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Democrats Launch Amnesty For Illegal Aliens Bill

Writer: Marci TroutmanMarci Troutman

President Joe Biden and Far Left Capitol Hill Democrats have introduced a massive bill that

will eviscerate immigration enforcement and offer an eight-year pathway to citizenship to as many as 22 million illegal aliens.

According to an analysis by the Associated Press, the plan offers one of the fastest pathways to citizenship of any proposed measure in recent years, it does so without offering any enhanced border security, which past immigration negotiations have used as a way to win Republican votes. Without enhanced security, AP claims the bill faces tough odds in a closely divided Congress, but we have our doubts on that.

The bill would immediately provide green cards to farm workers, those with temporary protected status and young people who arrived in the U.S. illegally as children. For others living in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, 2021, the plan establishes a five-year path to temporary legal status, if they pass background checks, pay taxes and fulfill other basic requirements. Then, after three years, they can pursue citizenship.

AP reports the bill would also raise the current per-country caps for family and employment-based immigrant visas. It would eliminate the penalty barring those immigrants who live in the U.S. without authorization and who then leave the country from returning for three to 10 years. It also would provide resources for more judges, support staff and technology to address the backlog in processing asylum seekers.

If you are a glutton for punishment or wish to be outraged and infuriated, you can read a section-by-section analysis of the bill through this link.

We will have more analysis of the bill in future articles, but one of the first things that jumped out at us was the bill’s revocation of the existing prohibition against admitting criminals into the United States.

There are several sections that address that issue but here are two of the most troubling:

Sec. 1202(b).––Judicial Recommendation Against Removal. Provides that grounds of inadmissibility and deportability based on criminal convictions shall not apply if the sentencing court, at the time of sentencing or within 180 days thereafter, issues a recommendation to the Secretary that such noncitizen not be removed on the basis of such crimes, having given notice to representatives of the interested State, the Secretary, and prosecution authorities and an opportunity to make representations in the matter.



Amends the ground of inadmissibility (INA section 212(a)(2)(A)) relating to convictions of, or admission of having committed, crimes involving moral turpitude (CIMT) by broadening the existing exception for noncitizens who commit one crime, while under the age of 18 and more than five years before application for a visa or admission to the U.S., so as to extend the exception to those who have been convicted of, or admit the commission of, two such crimes.

Sec. 1202(b) provides that a liberal judge, like Newton Massachusetts District Court Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph, who was charged by a federal grand jury with obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting; obstruction of a federal proceeding, aiding and abetting and conspiracy to obstruct justice, for helping Jose Medina-Perez get out of the courthouse via a back door in order to elude an ICE agent seeking to arrest him can simply issue an order recommending the illegal alien not be deported to achieve the same result.

Fox News reported Medina-Perez, was a twice-deported illegal alien with a fugitive warrant for drunken driving in Pennsylvania, who had been in Judge Joseph's courtroom in order to be arraigned on drug charges.

If a liberal judge is willing to overlook the criminal record of an illegal alien like Jose Medina-Perez, and risk her career to assist him in escaping, it is hard to imagine what kind of offenses an illegal alien would have to commit to have a liberal judge refuse a request for a non-removal recommendation.

But Section 1203 of the bill is even worse, because it in essence doubles the number of crimes an illegal alien may commit before removal even becomes a consideration.

A “petty offense” is generally defined as a crime for which the illegal alien sentenced for 6 months or less and the maximum possible sentence for the offense was no more than a year.

This means a whole host of crimes which endanger life and property, including drunk driving, drug possession, domestic violence and assault may be waived under the existing petty offense exception, so if the Biden bill passes an illegal alien may escape deportation AND qualify to stay in the United States and eventually become a citizen if the illegal alien has two convictions for assault, drunk driving, drugs, domestic violence or any combination thereof.

And those a just two problematic provisions we found on our first read through the section-by-section analysis of the bill.

The toll-free Capitol Switchboard is (1-866-220-0044) we urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Senators and Representative to demand they vote NO on Biden’s amnesty for illegal aliens bill in Committee and on the Floor. Your family’s safety and the future of our country are at stake. Make those calls today.

  • illegal immigration

  • amnesty

  • Democrats

  • Joe Biden

  • border wall

  • Dreamers

  • ICE

  • Pathway to citizenship

  • border security

  • DACA

  • asylum seekers

  • Jose Medina-Perez



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